Sunday, September 24, 2017

Maths term 3

We have done 3 Collabrative task this term.One was to make a golf ball fit inside a net.With the Labal seen through a hole.
We have also been creating a complex patten that we have to enlarge and reduce.
At are workshop WALT:use tessalation patterns and to tesalate shapes.
Next step is to get my task to a better stranded.
This is one of the tessalation patterns I made.


This term for inquiry we have been creating a art project.they will be put on a display at our school
This is what my project it looks like,(this is not the whole thing)
It is a natural dye art called tie dye.So it does not stand out very good,We also had limited amount of coulours.
Next step:To make it stand out better.

Writing term 3

This is a task in the writing workshop
WALT:Use simple sentences and compound sentences and complex sentences .
Next Step:Use them in my writing,use them equally.

This is my writing task.We we're describing a flowers blooming.
IN THIS TASK WALT:Descibe using different words.

Flowers blooming 
I see the flowers blooming in the sun growing bigger and bigger as they go.I see the flowers growing into colorful bright awesome flowers.Some have more than 4 colors.Some were white some were yellow some were multi colored and some were pink.I hear bees going buzz buzz buzz.I hear the birds going chirp chirp chirp.Some animals were going thump thump thump.I heard something weird that went roar roar roar.I hear the birds chirping in the sun.I smell the soil,it smells like nothing.I smell the flowers and they smell like really yummy juicy orange flavoured ice blocks.Some flowers smell like banana lollies.I taste the horrible gross dirt and soil accidentally getting in my mouth.I taste the towers and the taste like really dry paper.Sometimes I accidentally gulp down the peatles when I'm smelling them✅


I have showed pride in presenting the school in the costal cluster cross country.


This is my reading edmodo task.

P:E term 3

This term we have been practicing for the school cross country.
My goal was to win cross country.
This is how I did it

1:I sprinted the first 100m.

2:I then let Harvey and Max battle it out to see who one.

3: I waited till max and Harvey were tied 

4:Then I sprinted ahead and they could not catch me.

5:I kept the past and one.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Art inquiry workshop.

This is a video I found:click

This is some facts I found.

Favourite art supply vendor is NYC,Joined the NY central,Earns lots of money,Texile art centre.,Usees verity of coulours,Draws cool looking patterns,She is a Texile book artist,Uses nature,Creates good artwork,Moved to NY,Changed her langue when she moved,loved outdoor and narture.She used 20 coulours on one paper.

Monday, August 14, 2017


WALT-Show pride in our learning because this term our value is pride.
I show pride in doing my can do and must do these are two pic collage must do's

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sunday, July 2, 2017


For inquiry we have been doing netball.
In the first week we learnt about passing.
In the second week we learnt about shooting goals.


For writing we have been learning about persasive writing,poems.
We have also gone to workshops to learn about new stuff
One of our must do tasks were handwriting task

                                                                         This is my edmodo task that I posted onto edmodo.
                                                                                  On this task we had to pick 10 words in the story that we didn't understand.


For inquiry we have been researching about estareys wetlands swamps and rivers.

We have panited muddy creak to show what we think it should look like.


For reading we have been getting 4 must do's that we must complete.We have also been getting can do's that we can do after wer've done our must do's.
Next step is to do more can do's every week.
We have also had workshops that we go to and read books  and ask questions.

                                                 This is my word of the week

Monday, June 19, 2017

Maths workshop

On Friday I went to the Math workshop to learn ratios.
I learnt what a ratio was.
I enjoyed it because the teacher wrote a quiz.They were like riddles.
I thought it was tough because I had no idea what it meant.
But at the end I understood.

One of the Riddles were 
To make a icing you would need 
3 drops of food colouring  
1 cup of sugar.
The ratio was 3:1

Thursday, June 15, 2017


In maths we have been working on division and times tables.We have been sent away to complete tasks.Collabrative tasks and independent tasks.
Next step is to get more awnsers write and make sure all my group gets the same awser.

Sunday, April 30, 2017


I show responsibility by:
Putting my bag away.
Doing my milk job.
Keeping the classroom tidie.
Doing extra jobs.
Filling in people's jobs when their away

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Our value this term is expect.

Reading term 1

WALT:To put literacy on Edmodo so people can see my work
This was my 10 favourite weird words in the story bold ship phenomenal.
Next step :Present it in a different way

Writing term 1

WALT:For writing I have been learning what prefixes are.
Prefixes is a little word placed before it to change the mening .
Here are some examples.

Next step :Think at home some other prefixes


This term we went on the EOTC adventure.
It was very fun
We had a sleepover in our school hall
We went on tractors and much more

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


WALT:For PE we have been doing hockey skills
We have been learning dribbling,passing,blocking
Next step:look for space and pass

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Maths T1

WALT:We have been putting maths on our maths slide to preform this blog video
Next step: Put more detail to my work,a put more work on slide.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Swimming 2017

WALT: In term one we have been working on  swimming during PE.I am in the Sharks swimming group.
My learning goals for this group are.
WALT do a tumble turn,Compete in the school champs,Compete in the inter school team and perform a simple rescue.
My next step:is to be fast at backstroke.