Sunday, August 30, 2015

My pepeha.

Somthing I am going to work on is : doing neater in writing in Miss Lowes class and Mrs Wilburns class.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

P.E video.

We are training for cross country. Here is my link. 

I came second place.
I  felt proud of myself for where I came ,keeping up a good pace and running fast.
I did well in coming second in the cross country
I want to improve by coming first.

Persuasive flag writing

WALA persuasive writing- how it is organised and what language to use to persuade someone.

Next step :Use the internet,books or ask an expert to find  more information to help me persuade the reader.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Maths term 3

In maths we are learning to identify different angles.

Next I am learning to measure angles.